in English: The University of Siena In Italy: Università degli Studi di Siena Rank in Italy: 18 Rank in World: 701-750   University Introduction The University of Siena, located in the city of Siena in the province of Tuscany in Italy, is one of the first and oldest public universities in Italy, founded in 1240….

In English: San Raffaele University In Italy: Universita Vita-Salute San Raffaele Rank in Italy: 9 Rank in World: 392   University introduction The University of Vita-Salute San Raffaele opened in 1996 and is one of the most successful and emerging Italian universities, beginning with psychology courses and later adding medical courses in 1998, and Philosophy…

In English: Polytechnic University of Marche In Italy: Università Politecnica delle Marche Rank in Italy: 32 Rank in World: 801-1000   University Introduction Marche Polytechnic University is a public university located in Ancona, Italy. The presence of this university in Ancona is almost a historical event; Because in the Middle Ages, Ancona was famous for…

In English: The University of Calabria In Italy: Università della Calabria Rank in Italy: 31  Rank in World: 801-1000   University Introduction The University of Calabria is one of the few residential-university campuses and one of the largest of its kind in Italy, offering services such as accommodation and leisure facilities for applicants. The residential…

In English: The University of Catania In Italy: Università degli Studi di Catania Rank in Italy: 26 Rank in World: 801-1000   University introduction The University of Catania, with an average of 40,000 enrolled students, was founded in 1434 and is the oldest university in Sicily. The King of Spain, who was also King of…

Politecnico di Torino Polytechnic University of Turin (Royal Polytechnic of Turin) to Italian Politecnico di Torino, ranked 6th among Italian universities and 308th among world universities, was founded in 1906 in Turin, but its roots go back to It dates back to what was once the School for Engineers (Faculty of Engineering), which was founded…

In English: University of Pavia In Italy: università di Pavia Rank in Italy: 16 Rank in World: 590-581   University Introduction The University of Pavia is one of the oldest academic institutions in the world, with its foundations laid in the early 9th century. The University of Pavia has a unique university system, it is…