In English: The University of Calabria

In Italy: Università della Calabria

Rank in Italy: 31 

Rank in World: 801-1000


University Introduction

The University of Calabria is one of the few residential-university campuses and one of the largest of its kind in Italy, offering services such as accommodation and leisure facilities for applicants.

The residential area of ​​the university includes a sports complex, a health center, a center for fine arts, music and performing arts. Also, centers such as post office, bank, language learning centers and some other service departments are operating in this sector.

The university’s educational department consists of 14 departments that offer approximately 80 curricula at various levels each year.

The teaching staff of the University of Calabria includes 600 full professors, associate professors, researchers and research assistants who are responsible for research and teaching. Meanwhile, the university has 700 administrative staff who do all the work related to the students.

The University of Calabria Library is one of the best and largest libraries in southern Italy, covering a wide range of subjects, including anthropology, socio-economics, science and basic science textbooks. In addition, the interior design of the study halls is such that students can study in a very comfortable environment.

The focus of each department is on research in its scientific field, which is done nationally and internationally. This research is usually done by graduate students, which is a sign that this university can be a strong student hub for higher education. These research projects are funded by organizations outside the university; In fact, the University of Calabria supports many projects in the Calabria region. These projects are usually carried out in collaboration with other research institutes. In fact, the University of Calabria, in addition to carrying out its research projects to improve the level of the Calabria region and the scientific institutions of this region, also tries to keep their scientific and research level high and up to date.

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The university environment of Calabria has proven to be a very up-to-date and innovative environment in Italy, especially in southern Italy. Also, this university is among the big universities. One of the best features of the University of Calabria is that it offers scholarships to international students studying at the university who have a bachelor’s degree or equivalent to a bachelor’s degree so that they can easily study at a higher level.


Introduction Of Fields

Courses offered at this university in the Master’s degree program are entirely in English:

In Persian

In English

دارایی و بیمه

Finance and Insurance

مهندسی کامپیوتر برای اینترنت

Computer Engineering for the Internet of Things

علوم کامپیوتر

Computer Science