In English: Roma Tre University

In Italy: Università degli Studi Roma Tre

Rank in Italy: 30

Rank in World: 801-1000


University Introduction

Roma Tre University is a young university for young people, founded in 1992. The university has grown rapidly in recent years in terms of the number of enrolled students as well as the number of university courses offered. For this reason, it has gained a great reputation among institutions, universities and other newly established higher education institutions in Italy. The University of Rome 3 consists of 12 departments, each of which offers a variety of Bachelore degree, graduate, and Master degree degrees and PhDs. The 28-year-old Italian institution of higher education has an optional admission policy based on entrance exams (meaning that you must take an entrance exam to enter some courses) and the university’s admission range is 70 to 80 percent.

The university curriculum is designed for both Italian and international students, as well as a variety of academic and non-academic facilities and services, including library, sports facilities, study abroad and student exchange programs, as well as administrative services. To European and non-European students. From 2007 to 2016, Roma Tre signed more than 630 international agreements with foreign universities and research centers aimed at establishing research groups motivated by the internationalization of education, the international dynamism of students, teachers and staff. Via Erasmus and other applications).

As already mentioned, the University of Rome 3 consists of twelve departments, each of which includes different departments and topics of education and research. Each of these departments has a duty to pursue the following objectives in general: research, international educational activities at the Bachelore degree, graduate and PhD levels, foreign research and education-related activities aimed at increasing activity According to the competencies of the departments themselves, one of these activities is the participation of students in start-up projects and research.

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The departments of the University of Rome 3 are as follows:

Department of Architecture, Department of Economics, Department of Economics and Commerce, Department of Philosophy, Communication and Performing Arts, Department of Law, Department of Engineering, Department of Language, Foreign Literature and Culture, Department of Mathematics and Physics, Department of Science, Department of Educational Sciences,

Department of Political Science, Department of Anthropology.


Introduction Of Fields

Courses offered at this university in the Master’s degree program are entirely in English:

In Persian

In English

مهندسی پزشکی

Biomedical Engineering
مطالعات بین المللی

International Studies